
New Text Box Shortcut works in PowerPoint, Word and Excel

Keyboard Shortcut for New Text Box

Many users feel condemned to using the mouse to hunt and peck through the Microsoft Ribbon. They just don’t know a better way! Today’s tip is going to drill down on one shortcut, how to add a new text box in Microsoft PowerPoint, Word or Excel using the keyboard. Once you have the program open… Keep Reading

More free images for your pleasure

Free Images

Just because an image is available on Google Images or Bing Images, does not mean you have permission to use it. Not only is it a violation of copyright and trademark laws, it is also morally wrong. Luckily, there are dozens, if not hundreds of sites that offer free, high-quality images for you to download.… Keep Reading

The More Button in Microsoft Office

There are a lot of “hidden secrets” in Microsoft Office that are actually sitting there right out in the open. A little bit of curiosity will go a long way toward making you into a Microsoft Power User. One of my favorites is the More button. The More button is ubiquitous throughout Microsoft Office, and… Keep Reading

How to Add Sound to a PowerPoint Slideshow

PowerPoint has plenty of built-in sound effects that people use when they are creating presentations. It’s a shame, but many people think that those burps, bleeps, drumrolls and thunderclaps are all they can use. A high-quality presentation, however, will often have background music playing on an opening slide while the audience comes in and chooses… Keep Reading

Tell Me: Office 2016 New Feature Preview

Office 2016 Tell Me

I have often lamented when teaching classes that Microsoft’s Help features are so… yucky. In fact, I have a running gag: I offer people a secret website address where they can find all of the latest help information. It is spelled g-o-o-g-l-e-dot-c-o-m. The new Office 2016 Tell Me feature is trying to put my career… Keep Reading

Animating a bullet list in PowerPoint

It’s likely that you’ve had to sit through a boring presentation that was just one bullet list after another, unless you’re (1) very young, (2) very old, or (3) very, very lucky. Count your lucky stars if you’re one of the fortunate three. Now that it’s your turn in the spotlight, how do you keep… Keep Reading