
Excel Rules for Creating Formulas and Functions

There are lots of rules out there in the world, and we don’t always follow them. Most everyone I know has broken the speed limit at some point, and I hear some people are actually eating laundry detergent recently (ugh!). There are clearly marked speed limits on the side of every highway, and I trust… Keep Reading

New Text Box Shortcut works in PowerPoint, Word and Excel

Keyboard Shortcut for New Text Box

Many users feel condemned to using the mouse to hunt and peck through the Microsoft Ribbon. They just don’t know a better way! Today’s tip is going to drill down on one shortcut, how to add a new text box in Microsoft PowerPoint, Word or Excel using the keyboard. Once you have the program open… Keep Reading

Nested Functions and Formulas in Excel

Nested Functions in Excel

Lots of Excel experts love to nest functions and formulas inside of each other. This is actually a great way to combine several calculations in one cell, but it can be downright confusing if you are looking at it without understanding the Orders of Operation. The most important mathematical symbols in Excel are the parentheses.… Keep Reading

Concatenate(): Your $10 Excel Function of the Day

Learn how to use the concatenate() function in Excel

You may have already read my previous post on how to string text together in Excel. That technique has been around forever, but it is so… 1995. Modern Excel users know that there is a very powerful function built into Excel that makes stringing text together as simple as 1-2-3. Before we get started, let’s… Keep Reading

Stringing Text Together in Microsoft Excel

I showed you how to break text in one column into multiple columns using the Text to Columns tool in a previous Tip, but today I’m going to show you how to string text together. In other words, same problem, just going in a different direction. You can’t add words together… As you can see,… Keep Reading

Text to Columns in Microsoft Excel

The need to break one column into multiple columns is one that every Excel user needs upon occasion. In the accompanying example, you can see that both the first and the last names are combined into one column. If I was handed this worksheet, the first thing I would want to do is break the… Keep Reading

Why things don’t always add up in Excel

Number formatting is a great way to change the appearance of a number, including the number of decimal places of accuracy, but it can also yield some strange results. If you’ve ever had the experience of puzzling over a column of numbers that AutoSum can’t seem to add up, or perhaps you’ve got percentages of… Keep Reading

The More Button in Microsoft Office

There are a lot of “hidden secrets” in Microsoft Office that are actually sitting there right out in the open. A little bit of curiosity will go a long way toward making you into a Microsoft Power User. One of my favorites is the More button. The More button is ubiquitous throughout Microsoft Office, and… Keep Reading

Creating your first macro using visual basic

The computer is first and foremost a time-saving device. My husband was just telling me about how the railroads used armies of clerks to keep track of each box car and it’s contents “back in the day,” and how all of that labor was now being handled by a few desktop computers. Imagine Mr. Scrooge meets… Keep Reading

Accessibility Features in Office 2016 Strengthen

Office 2016 Accessibility Strengthens

Features that make computer software accessible are often over-looked by mainstream bloggers because they don’t understand them. People who work with the disabled, and those who work for organizations that want to communicate with them, however, know that this is the place where we need to put our strongest efforts. Like most people, I hadn’t… Keep Reading